Development News

Project Kevin: It's a Secret! 🤫 

April 13th, 2023

Deep Rock Galactic. Project Zomboid. Phasmophobia. The early Resident Evil series. Some of my favourite games.

This is not those games.

BUT, Project Kevin IS being born of several practice projects I made which were inspired by those games. What else can I tell you? Well for now... the rest is a secret!

Project Kevin is a code name for a larger project that is currently unannounced. Currently, Kevin is in the very pre-alpha, prototyping stage of development where I am bringing together several existing experiments to create a bit of a Frankenstein's Monster.

But, if you check out this first dev blog video, you can learn more. The first feature I want to share with you is the level generation system. Project Kevin will have players walking through procedurally generated spaces as they... engage in unannounced activities.

There will be a new dev blog every two weeks on Thursdays so if you're curious to know more, check back here in TromboSpace to see how Kevin's doing!