Development News

This is Kevin

May 11th, 2023

Jane is no longer alone: Introducing the man (boy) himself!
There was lots of stuff happening under the hood for this dev blog so let's do something different: Let's finally talk about what. is. Project. Kevin.

The Premise

Project Kevin is a cooperative action horror puzzle game. The game place s you in the shoes of your younger self, and on this night your best friend Kevin has run into one of the oldest, spookiest houses in town. He dared you to follow him, and since he hasn't come out yet, it's time for you and your friends to save him!

The House

In Project Kevin, it's you and your friends against The House. Every time you enter The House, the game will generate a completely new building for your to explore. The rooms, puzzles, and dangers of the place will never be quite the same. In fact, your actions in The House will directly affect how it's world unfolds before you!

Your main adversary in Project Kevin

Kevin enjoying The House's accomodations

What's in The House?

The House has a bad reputation, but no one is quite certain if it is truly haunted or not. But if there WERE something scary in there, it would ALSO be generated anew each time you play. The behaviours of any house inhabitants would never be exactly the same as they were before, leaving you and your friends to figure out how to survive... or perish.

But of course, that's only IF there were something scary in The House.

But what's the point of the game?

Survive! If you can get Kevin out of the house, even better. If all of your friends survive too, great!

Your parents will give you your allowance in the morning after each session. It just so happens that the better your night was, the better your allowance will be! You can't tell your parents exactly what you were doing last night, but you CAN spend your allowance on equipment that will help you out the next time Kevin gets you all into trouble.

Check out the first "puzzle" in today's short video!

When does this come out?

That's the big question! For now, I am keeping most of the timeline information to myself. Those of you who subscribe to the newsletter will have a few extra juicy secrets about the timeline, but nothing is set in stone yet. There will a free, single player, playable demo well before any sort of launch though, so stay tuned if you want to get your hands on that!

How To Keep Up With Kevin

There are several ways you can keep apprised of the latest Project Kevin updates.

Patreon: This is brand new to me and it supports both my game dev work as well as my YouTube content on my zombie-survival channel Trombonaut.

Discord: Join our little community in the TromboSpace discord!

YouTube: Follow the TromboSpace YouTube channel to get all the little videos that come out with these dev blogs.

Newsletter: Subscribe the to mailing list at the bottom of the page to get exclusive, early insights that are only available in the newsletter.